Albums Index

Album Manager :: Holidays


Holidays [2]

Table showing breakdown of the disk space used by this album.
Image Type Size
Total overhead size 82.09 Kb
Total album size 2.06 Mb
Overhead Percentage 3.89%
Images [2] 1.98 Mb
Medium Images [2] 67.23 Kb
Thumbnails [2] 7.43 Kb
Album Cover 7.43 Kb
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Update album thumbnails
This refreshes the albums thumbnails', checking that each image in the album has a corresponding thumbnail and medium sized image. It leaves any existing thumbnail and medium images alone, just creating any which are missing. Also re-creates the album cover.
Re-create album thumbnails
This also refreshes the albums thumbnails', checking that each image in the album has a corresponding thumbnail and medium sized image. However, it recreates all of the thumbnail and medium images, overwriting any which already exist. Also re-creates the album cover.
Re-create album cover only
Re-create the album cover only, leaving all other thumbnails as they are.